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How to contact us

The best way to submit a soap order or to make inquiries about our soap is to contact us through Email.


We will soon have the ability to accept your payment through PayPal or a major credit card

You will need to set up an account through Paypal. If you don't have one already you will need to follow this link.

Paypal instructions


Email us your order

The best way to submit your order is via Email or fax. As soon as we receive your order we will begin to work on it. In an Email or fax you can write down special requests or instructions that we will make every attempt to follow. However we will not ship your order until we have full payment. Download our order form here and then just press Email to have it Emailed to us, or press print, and you can print it out and fax it in to us.

Email us


Email Our Webmaster

Sometimes you may see something on our website that doesn't make a lot of sense. Just write us a note and let us know about it.

email now


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How to contact us
Shopping Cart
Email or Fax your order
Email the Webmaster